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Lavender, an aromatic to be enjoyed without moderation!

Often used in aromatherapy and cosmetics, the little blue flower also offers a whole host of tasty surprises!

When we think of lavender, we quickly imagine ourselves in July on the sun-drenched Valensole plateau, in front of magnificent lavender fields colored blue and mauve that stretch as far as the eye can see. The bees are hard at work, producing a creamy, succulent lavender honey, because yes, as well as perfuming our cupboards, relaxing us and curing our little aches and pains, lavender can also delight our taste buds... This plant is definitely a treasure!

Its story through the centuries

With its distinctive spikes of flowers and delicate fragrance, lavender has been recognized for centuries by medical faculties for its therapeutic virtues.

In the 19th century, it appeared in cosmetics thanks to the glove makers of Grasse, desperate to hide the bad smell of their leather. 

But it wasn't until the 20th century that it made its mark in the kitchen, thanks to its delicate flavors, bringing a touch of Provence to our sweet and savory dishes.

Which lavender to use?

Lavender comes in many edible varieties. But not all are suitable for cooking! We recommend using real lavender: Lavandula Angustifolia. This aromatic leaves a spicy, slightly sweet taste on the tongue.

Lavandin, a cross between lavandula angustifolia and lavender aspic, is not recommended because of its camphorated aromas, which can be bitter on the palate.

How to use lavender

Fresh or dried, in bulk, syrup or essential oil, lavender can be used in all its forms! If you have fresh lavender on hand, both the flowers and the leaves are edible and add a delicious fragrance to sweet and savory salads. 

Lavender also goes wonderfully well with roasted meats, fish, ratatouille, cheese and many fruits, especially apricots and peaches

It adds an original touch to fruit tarts, fruit salads, ice creams and spices up homemade apricot jams. Infused in milk or cream, lavender adds a delicious fragrance to panna cotta or crème brûlée.

In the evening, at bedtime, an infusion of dried lavender flowers brings calm and relaxation and helps reduce anxiety, stress, migraines and insomnia thanks to its sedative properties.

But be careful! This strong-tasting plant should be used sparingly, as it can mask other aromas. It's up to each individual to find the right dosage.

4 recipe ideas using lavender flowers
Discover our lavender products

Don't hesitate to share your original lavender recipes with us, 

we'll be delighted to publish them!

See also our article :

Jams and honeys, artisans creating delights!

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